Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free, brain training technique that helps the brain to regulate itself and perform optimally. For a variety of reasons—genetics and environment—the brain gets out of whack and does not function as well as it is able. The dysregulated brain tends to be over-stimulated when it is suppose to be calm and under-stimulated when it is suppose to be attentive. The brain often self-corrects, but when it doesn’t, this dysregulation becomes the new normal. Neurofeedback is a brain training system that prompts the central nervous system to help make the best use of your brain’s neural resources—ultimately improving the brain’s regulation of thoughts, feelings, and focus. Neurofeedback, also known as EEG Biofeedback, offers an additional effective treatment option for people with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction, PTSD, performance anxiety, brain injury, and ADHD, amongst others. In fact, a recent article in The Washington Post discusses neurofeedback’s effectiveness in treating ADHD and PTSD. In fact, The American Academy of Pediatrics has determined that neurofeedback is a level two evidenced-based practice for the treatment of ADHD. Ultimately, neurofeedback heals the brain and psychotherapy heals the mind, and together they can create lasting change and recovery. To read the full article from The Washington Post click here.