The Growing Benefits and Application of Neurofeedback

Research indicates that neurofeedback is effective for individuals suffering from PTSD, particularly because it addresses the physiological sensations that often accompany the disorder (i.e., physical arousal and agitation). The increasing growth and success of this treatment suggests that it may be effective for other disorders/symptoms, such as

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Chronic Pain: The Search for Relief

Fibromyaliga is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by a wide array of symptoms, generally deep in the joints and muscles. It affects approximately 5 million Americans a year, primarily women. Though chronic pain has been around for over a century, the cause has long been a mystery.

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Head Injury and Mental Illness

Do you worry that your child’s contact sport may result in a head injury??  Whether head injury causes lasting effects has long been an area of heated controversy, but new research out of the University of Copenhagen has just found startling results. According to Rodriguez (2014), this

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California Psychological Association 2015 Convention

Dr. Ermshar will be one of the featured presenters at the California Psychological Association 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA along with Dr. Morgan Sammons, PhD, ABPP, Dr. Alan Lincoln, PhD, MCSP, and Dr. Andris Skuja, PhD. Dr. Ermshar is presenting on Ethical, Legal and Practice

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Welcome Dr. Natalie Sobel

Dr. Ermshar is pleased to announce that Dr. Natalie Sobel has joined Dr. Ermshar, Specialized Psychological Services. Dr. Sobel has an impressive training and clinical track record. She has been a forensic evaluator for conditional release programs and completed her internship with the Los Angeles County Department

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Cutting Behaviors

“They are just doing it for attention” and “they’re unsuccessfully trying to commit suicide” are the two most common misconceptions people have regarding cutting behaviors, and they are far from true. Cutting stems from unhealthy coping skills in an attempt to manage emotional suffering. Cutting brings these

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Teenage Girls and Bullying

Typically, when one thinks about a bully, the image conjured is of a boy who is an outsider, is bigger and tougher than his peers, and who often starts fights and steals lunch money from others. It may be surprising to hear that girls can also be

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Changing the View of Psychosis

Over thanksgiving, The British Psychological Society published a report entitled Understanding Psychosis. This new report challenges the long held notions about psychosis and, most importantly, gives new hope to individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Hope is a crucial element for those diagnosed and their families, as many see

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