Gender differences in Autism

A new study out of Stanford found that girls with autism exhibit less repetitive and restricted behavior than boys. Of the three core features of autism, repetitive and restricted behavior is most widely recognized and it can appear in children as a preoccupation with a certain interest,

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Spotting a Sociopath

Most of us get our depiction of a sociopath from the media, through embodiments such as Hannibal and Dexter. However, these depictions are more of a psychopath and, believe it or not, sociopaths operate more undetected and could even be your friend or family member. Psychologist Martha

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Identifying Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental illness that is often misunderstood and wrongly diagnosed. Although it affects roughly 5.9% of all American adults (roughly 14 million people), public discussion and awareness of BPD remains relatively scarce. A recent article colloquially discusses the process of identifying BPD,

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Motivating Others to Change Using Empathy

Making a significant change is not an easy task and inspiring someone else to make a change can be even more challenging. Literature on motivation and instilling change has often relied on directives such as bargaining, incentives, and penalties. However, research shows that the most important factor

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Family Based Therapy for Teen Bulimia

Roughly 3% of American teens suffer from bulimia each year and the condition usually develops in early adolescence.  Due to the secretive nature of bulimia, many teens live with the disorder for years before parents or professionals intervene. Excluding parents from counseling and treatment and been the

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Understanding Paranoid Personality Disorder

Certain individuals truly believe that the world is out to get them, constantly suspecting that others are harming, deceiving, or exploiting them. Without any sufficient basis they hold suspicion towards family, friends, a store cashier, or even a stranger. They are reluctant to confide in others and

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New Ways to Manage Stress

Merely living in the 21st century can be stressful, and without available coping strategies, stress often increases with the demands of life. Stress alone is not as widely discussed as other conditions within the mental health community. However chronic stress can negatively impact both our physical and

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Dr. Ermshar works with Maplebrook School in New York

Dr. Ermshar was recently retained to conduct a school observation with recommendations for academic accommodations at Maplebrook School, a wonderful boarding high school in the New York countryside. Maplebrook1945 specializes in educating students with a variety of learning disabilities and special needs. Check out their website at

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