New Awareness on Eating Disorders

There is still much misconception and misinformation surrounding eating disorders. “You still read more about anorexia in the celebrity section of publications than in health sections,” says Nancy Zucker, PhD, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University. A lot of the misconception regarding eating disorders

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Overcoming Procrastination

The common misconception about procrastination is that it means you’re lazy. On the contrary, individuals who procrastinate tend to work long and hard, albeit it is usually just before their deadlines. Nevertheless, working intensely and for long stretches appears to be the opposite of laziness. So if

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Defining Complex Trauma

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has become a well recognized and discussed mental health concern. PTSD is a psychological disorder caused by severe, life-threatening trauma such as witnessing a death or natural disaster. In today’s social and political climate, war-torn soldiers, refugees, and natural disaster survivors are

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Early Adulthood and the Onset of Mental Illness

The vast majority of mental health disorders emerge during one’s late adolescence and early 20s. Of course this is a turbulent time in one’s development—moving out of your parents home, going to college, getting a job, lack of sleep, and the potential exposure to drugs and alcohol.

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Children suffering from Depression

In a study published in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, it was demonstrated that approximately one fourth of children and adolescents experienced a mental disorder during the past year, and about one third across their lifetimes. The World Health Organization reported last year that depression is the predominant

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Psychologists within the NBA

After the Lakers won game 7 of the 2010 NBA championships, NBA player Metta World Peace was interviewed and he made a comment that received much attention. He thanked his psychologist and discussed how she has helped him, saying “there’s so much emotion going on during the

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Chronic Stress Linked to Memory Loss

A recent study out of Ohio State University found that sustained stress erodes memory, and that the immune system plays a key role in the cognitive impairment. Chronic stress, according to the researchers, is not just the stress of giving a speech or meeting someone new. Chronic

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Behavioral Addictions: Gambling, Sex & Videogames

Behavioral addictions are an overwhelming, repetitive, and harmful pattern of behaviors apart from drug or alcohol abuse. Behavioral addictions, such as addictions to gambling, eating, sex, and video games, are receiving serious attention in various fields of medicine and among the public. The causalities of behavioral addictions

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What You Should Know About Concussions

Mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI), colloquially referred to as concussions, have been receiving a great deal of news attention given the dangers involved in high-impact sports, such as football. Concussion research has surged in recent years thanks to concern from the athletic and military communities. Despite increasing

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Neurofeedback Effective for Many Conditions

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free, brain training technique that helps the brain to regulate itself and perform optimally. For a variety of reasons—genetics and environment—the brain gets out of whack and does not function as well as it is able. The dysregulated brain tends to be over-stimulated

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