The warm months of the summer are conducive to more outside time. There are benefits from the sun’s rays as your skin absorbs the Vitamin D linked to improved immune system. Studies have also shown that time spent in nature, even as little as 5 minutes, can boost mood. Along with these natural benefits, there is also the added plus of unplugging from your iPhone.
A recent study by Twenge et al. found that screen time is positively linked to depressive symptoms. Studies have also found that social media can negatively contribute to depression and anxiety. People are spending more time on their screens since the rise of smart phones, highlighting the importance of disconnecting, even just for a few hours.
By unplugging from your phone, you can increase quality time with friends and family in person. Studies have shown that spending only 30 minutes on social media daily, as opposed to the 2-hour average, can increase well-being. Limiting screen time can help you return to your authentic self without the added worry of having to present an idea self across social media.
Outdoor activities are a great way to reduce screen time. Taking a hike, going camping or going to your local park can help. Next time you spend time with friends, consider turning notifications off to increase connection. Smart phones even have the option to set time limits for use. Summer is the perfect time to begin limiting screen time and go outside to improve all around well-being.