Generosity plays a key part in living well. According to Joshua Becker, there are 9 ways in which generous people view the world in a different way.
- They recognize the resource pie is not finite.
- They know that generosity leads to greater happiness.
- They find success in helping others succeed.
- They believe changing even one life is worthwhile.
- They trust others.
- They dream big dreams for their money.
- They see more resources to give than money.
- They fully embrace the reality that life is short.
- They are content to live with less.
Inspired by his outlook, it is clear that generosity is becoming more of a focus in well-rounded mental and physical health. Studies show that generosity improves our health and reduces stress, promotes social connection and even can help us live longer. Generosity is of significant benefit not only to the giver, but also to those who are receiving the acts of generosity. Researchers found that when someone gives money and receives money, the same reward systems in the brain are activated. Because giving to someone else is not selfish act, the giver experiences greater happiness when giving to others rather than themselves. Giving does not have to be thought of in simply monetary or material terms, however. Generosity can be measured through our time, energy and emotional support in addition to money. In an article from the Huffington Post, Lisa Firestone outlines 4 steps to practicing generosity.
- Give something that is sensitive to the other person.
- Accept appreciation.
- Accept the generosity of others.
- Show appreciation.
Following these steps optimizes health and wellness in the giver, including seeing the world in a different way. Generosity makes you feel good and can make the world a better place.