Research indicates that neurofeedback is effective for individuals suffering from PTSD, particularly because it addresses the physiological sensations that often accompany the disorder (i.e., physical arousal and agitation). The increasing growth and success of this treatment suggests that it may be effective for other disorders/symptoms, such as substance abuse, as suggested by this article written by Jackie Brown. Dr. Ermshar provides neurofeedback services. Please contact us by phone or email, if you would like more information for you or a loved one.

Neurofeedback: If It Can Help PTSD Veterans, Why Not Addicts, Alcoholics and Those With Sleep Disorder?

“A long history of treatment of substance abuse with EEG failed to lead to mass acceptance. That may change based on success with Post Traumatic Stressed-Out vets. 

To be a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is to have a section of your brain disabled by an invisible injury in which you keep reliving the dark side of your emotional past while seeking desperately to find your way back to a life and normality you once knew. It can be pain beyond belief.

PTSD as a mental health condition affects an estimated 7.7 million Americans, according to the National Institute of Health. The military is particularly hard hit. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, PTSD affects 31% of Vietnam veterans, 10% of Desert Storm veterans, 11% of Afghanistan veterans and 20% of Iraqi veterans….”

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