Licensed clinical psychologists are uniquely qualified to administer and conduct standardized tests, assessment tools, and clinical interviews in order to measure and observe an individual’s behavior. By understanding the nature of a problem, psychologists can figure out the best way to treat it. This is why psychological assessment is often used in psychiatric, medical, legal, education, vocational, and mental health treatment settings. People often associate psychological assessment with intelligence testing. While this is one facet of testing, there are multiple other domains of assessment that can benefit individuals, including diagnostic assessment, personality assessment, neuropsychological assessment, career assessment, cognitive and achievement testing, and forensic assessment evaluation. Psychological assessment allows individuals to attain valuable insights about strengths and weaknesses across domains of functioning. With this information, specific treatment strategies can be developed to target identified deficits and bolster unique strenghts. Arriving at an accurate diagnosis and understanding of a problem is essential in developing an effective treatment plan. Without appropriate assessment, individuals may continue to experience emotional, cognitive, and behavioral difficulties despite effectiveness of treatment and recommendations.
Dr. Ermshar and her team are uniquely qualified to use tests and other assessment tools to measure and observe an individual’s behavior in order to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and guide treatment.